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as the romans do.

If coffee has a spiritual home, Italy is it! We all have the Italians to thank for the way we confect, serve, drink, and even speak about coffee. Like food, coffee is a sacred Italian ritual, with more strictures than a Catholic wedding. And since we owe our morning fuel and afternoon pick-up to the Italians, I'm of the opinion that it would only be fitting to attempt to master this ritual. So here's a guide to drinking coffee as the Romans do.


You'll never see an Italian sitting in at a café in front of a laptop, drinking the same cup of coffee for hours. In Italy, a coffee break is known as luna pausa; a pause. So rather than ordering your coffee tall, try a single shot of espresso, neck it down in three gulps maximum, have a bit of chit chat with the barista, and be on your way.


Coffee has a very complex, very delicate flavour profile, one that might just be lost to you if you're only accustomed to drinking coffee on-the-go in a paper cup. Italians are all about taking time to enjoy the different flavours and aromas that a cup of joe has to offer. So save your tongue from those awful takeaway coffee burns and let yourself linger for a little while longer. Porcelain over paper!


Italians rarely sit down to drink their espresso. A true coffee purist knows that espresso is made to be drunk very quickly, while the crema is still sitting on top. If you are waiting at a table, the crema might thin out and disappear before your coffee even gets to you. To avoid this happening rather claim your spot at the bar where you can be among other coffee highbrows.


The crema is the creamy emulsion caused by the coffee’s oils that forms on top of the coffee. It keeps all the coffee’s aromas in, and it is the best indication of how well the espresso has been made. It should be 5mm deep, hazelnut-coloured, and it should never be too frothy, too light or dark, nor should it dissipate too quickly. You should never drink espresso that doesn't have crema on top; the Italians said so.


Cappuccinos are a breakfast drink. In Italy it is almost unconstitutional to drink a cappuccino (or any other milky drink) after 11am. After that it's just espressos until the morning light.


Don't ever ask a Italian for a large double-shot skinny vanilla latte. They would be offended. It's important to learn the right lingo. All it really takes is one word:

Caffe= a strong shot of espresso

Americano= espresso with added hot water

Macchiato= espresso with a dash of steamed milk

Cappuccino= espresso topped with warm frothy milk

Latte= milk

Caffe latte= a glass of warm milk with a drop of espresso

Shakerato= espresso and ice


Remember, coffee is a way of life.

Happy sippin’!

x Andi



Hello! I'm Andi.

Student and dreamer of many dreams. Currently residing in little ol' Maritzburg.

Let's eat, let's dwell, let's gather, let's create.

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