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be mindful.

2016 was a crazy year for everyone. This year I've made the decision to be more intentional about living lower and living slower. One of the ways I intend to do this is to practice being more mindful. It's not easy to keep your mind still, especially in this day and age where we're busy and hyper-connected and used to taking in a lot of information all at once. But whether we realise it or not, our minds are our most precious resources, and it's important to give them some pampering. Mindfulness is how. Mindfulness is the practice of cultivating a focused awareness on the present moment. It is both a daily habit and a lifelong pursuit. Here's how to make mindfulness apart of your everyday life:


While it is possible to be mindful without meditating, experts say that meditation is the most effective way to become more mindful. Setting aside just 20 minutes twice a day – in the morning and early evening – to meditate will result in greater clarity of thought, a much better use of personal resources and more efficient action. Additionally, regular meditation can help reduce stress, improve health and boost overall well-being. There are many different types of meditation practices, such as, transendental meditation, heart rhythm meditation and guided visualisation. So find one that works best for you.


Much of our distraction is internal – we ruminate, worry and dwell on our problems. But refusing to get wrapped up and carried away by our emotions is a huge part of cultivating mindfulness. Rather than becoming overwhelmed, learn to laugh through the ups and the downs. Studies have shown that the ability to laugh at oneself is associated with elevated mood, cheerfulness and improved health, much like meditation.


How often do you shovel food into your mouth without paying attention to what you're eating, and whether or not you're actually really hungry? It's important to get into the practice of listening to your body. One of the ways in which we can exercise mindfulness is to be conscious of the way we nourish ourselves. Eat healthy, well-prepared meals, take your time, pay attention to all the different tastes and sensations, and most importantly, eat when you're hungry, not bored. Another part of being mindful of what we put into ourselves is considering what we feed our minds. Excess television, social media and gaming is like “junk food”, and is likely to leave you feeling sluggish and depressed. Rather get into the practice of disconnecting for a few hours every day. Turn off your TV, cell phone and laptop, and bask in the silence and stillness of the world around you.


Research has found that being outdoors can relieve stress and improve energy levels, memory and attention. Spending time outdoors and in nature is one of the most powerful ways of giving yourself a mental reboot and reinstating a sense of ease and wonder.


Engaging in challenging creative work can get you into a flow state of heightened awareness and consciousness. And in turn, practicing mindfulness boosts creative flow. In fact, many great artists, thinkers and writers, such as Kito Mbiango and Mario Batali, have spoken about how meditation and mindfulness help them access their most creative state of mind. So if quieting your mind is a battle, try engaging in your favourite creative practice – be it singing, drawing, writing or baking – and see how it slows your thoughts all the way down.

Here's to a meaningful and fruitful 2017!





Hello! I'm Andi.

Student and dreamer of many dreams. Currently residing in little ol' Maritzburg.

Let's eat, let's dwell, let's gather, let's create.

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